Ingrid Fire Emblem Guide

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I like most about Fire Emblem because basically, every character has something that could easily make them your favorite character. There’s so much variety to choose from that even characters that belong to the same class (and even the same game) can be completely different.

And that’s something that, thanks to the Three Houses academy option, has increased even more. Three Houses have the particularity that many of its characters can belong to different classes. It is advantageous if you like to experiment with different classes when playing. 

That is one of the main advantages of Three houses. Suppose we add the amount of history that each character has behind it. That case allows us to understand why many people consider this game one of the best in the franchise. 

Today, I want to talk to you about one of those characters that will undoubtedly win your heart. This character has a great story and has one of the highest ranks in terms of variability of most of the characters in the three houses. I am referring to Ingrid/. 

Ingrid’s Key Info

  • Magic: 6
  • Dexterity: 6
  • Speed: 8
  • Luck: 6
  • Defense: 5
  • Resistance: 8
  • Charm: 8
  • Movement:5
  • Special Ability: Lady Knight, Lance prowess Lv 1, and Sword Prowess Level 1
  • Combat arts: Tempest Lance
  • Crest: Minor Crest of Daphnel
  • Weapon: E+-sword (Bonus Start), D-lance (bonus start), E-Axe, E-bow, E-Gauntlets, E-Reason, E-Tomes, E-Authority, E-Armored unit, D-Horseback unit (bonus start), D-Flying unit (Bonus start)
  • Equipped items: Iron lance and vulnerary.
  • Class: Noble

One of the first things you might notice about Ingrid is that she is a relatively balanced character compared to the rest of the characters in her house. This allows her to basically become most of the available units, and she could do perfectly well. However, on a personal note, being a character could be considered “volatile.” Unlike other alternatives, while she can still be considered a blank canvas to work with, she is by no means neutral. 

She has a natural affinity for horses, pegasus, and her sword and spear skills give you a hint that really her class has a direct relationship to those traits. Personally, I would consider making her a Pegasus knight for just that reason. 

This also goes hand in hand with her personality. If I had to define Ingrid’s personality in one word, the reality is that it would have to be “Explosive.” Ingrid could be considered as the typical character with Tomboy or Tsundere traits. A character that seems to be generally unconcerned about others and doesn’t want to be perceived as feminine goes hand in hand with the fact that she is a pegasus “knight.” 

On top of that, she has one of the most tragic and profound stories in the entire game. Even if you didn’t pick her, she’s a fantastic character when she’s introduced to you as an enemy. Ingrid is one of the best characters in the game. 

Ingrid Background

Ingrid Background

Ingrid is the only daughter of the Count of Galatea, a childhood friend of Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain. Since she was a child, Ingrid had been betrothed to Glenn of the house of Fraldarius. Unlike most arranged marriages, Ingrid and Glenn did love each other. However, during the events of the Duscur tragedy, Glenn was killed. At the time, Ingrid was only 13 years old. 

This caused Ingrid to resent the people of Duscur, as she felt they were to blame for the death of her fiancé. Precisely because she wanted to be stronger to protect those she loved, and also because she wanted to honor her fiancé, Ingrid set out to become a knight. 

Ingrid started at the monastery in the year 1180, in the house of the blue lions because it was the house where her best friends were. And this is precisely the story where the game starts with Ingrid. Do you see that it is really one of the best stories in the game?

Backstory of House Galatea

Galatea’s history is one of destruction. The territory is an arid wasteland that has been plagued by severe famine since the 1170s. That was why Ingrid had been betrothed to another house to cope with the economic ruin of her county. 

The house of Galatea is a branch belonging to the house of Daphnel, indirect descendants of one of the ten elites (the hero Daphnel). They are indirect descendants because they come from the branch that defected from the Leicester Alliance to the Holly Kindom of Faerghus. Unlike the main house, the descendants of the house of Galatea have a natural rate of appearance of their crest. 

However, at the beginning of the game, Ingrid is the only one with her crest. 

Why should I care about Ingrid?


Ingrid is one of the best units in terms of possible evolution as a pegasus knight. She has an excellent physical level and an excellent proficiency in the use of swords and spears, which makes her a perfect candidate to be converted into a pegasus knight. 

She has excellent speed and resistance above average as far as characters with a basic physical orientation are concerned, and luck and charisma are above respectable. It is beneficial in mixed attack-defense strategies. This is mainly because of her personal skill, “lady knight.” 

This ability plays a vital role in offensive strategies because it allows her damage and chance of hits to increase when performing gambits (i.e., switching places with other units). Her strength is good enough in her ability to inflict decent damage to her enemies. 

The personal recommendation I can give you is to use it to counterattack mages, using it as bait that can later inflict a lot of damage. Also, because she has the crest of Daphnel, she can use Lúin’s exclusive combat art that can make her Might grow.

As far as weaknesses are concerned, the reality is that Ingrid doesn’t have any specific weaknesses, which makes her a very flexible character. Theoretically speaking, she could even become a mage. Still, the reality is that because she doesn’t have a significant growth in magic, she ends up being behind Annette or Mercedes.

The best option, and the main reason you should include her in your team, is because she has a natural advantage when it comes to using swords and spears. And the fact that she rides in a significant way, besides flying naturally, makes her your best choice for a knight or pegasus knight (just like her backstory says).

Overall you could consider Ingrid a pretty strong character you can have in any route since she is easy to recruit and allows you to have a default pegasus knight. She’s really balanced with great speed, good magic resistance, and basically adequate growth. It’s perfect for mage removal. 

As far as her affinities are concerned, these are:

  • Byleth (S-Support with male Byleth).
  • Dimitri
  • Claude
  • Bernadetta
  • Dorothea
  • Dedue
  • Felix
  • Ashe
  • Sylvain
  • Mercedes
  • Annette
  • Raphael
  • Ignatz
  • Seteth
  • Catherine
  • Yuri

Suppose you have to concentrate only on a few; go for those of Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain. In that case, they are her closest friends and therefore are the ones that develop the story the most. Other quite nice ones are those of Mercedes and Annette, also recommended because they allow her to gain access to some abilities. 

How to Transform Ingrid Into the best Pegasus Knight?

Pegasus knight Ingrid

One of the first things you need to do is concentrate on training her in her strengths. I mean concentrating on sword, spear, cavalry, and flight. Don’t try to train her in magic or similar because, as I said, her growth in those branches is rather mediocre. 

By concentrating on her strengths, you will allow her to end up with a much better build than it would seem at first glance. This is because it would allow better use of Ingrid’s natural affinities, which we are looking for. 

Another thing that could be of use to you is to use her development as an archer and mage. She’s not that good in those fields, really. With her days being numbered, it could be a waste of time. Still, if you play your cards right, you could end up with a good unit with mixed characteristics, which is what you might be looking for better endurance. 

I personally used Ingrid’s resistance and only trained her in her proficiencies and the bow’s use. This is because while you can’t make her a knight with a bow, because you can use javelins when you use your proficiency with spears, you will have an advantage when it comes to ranged attacks. 

Pegasus knight Ingrid’s skills

She starts with:

  • Lady Knight: Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with gambits.
  • Sword Prowess Lv 1: Grants Hit +5, Avo +7, and Crit Avo +5 when using a sword.
  • Lance Prowess Lv 1: Grants Hit +6, Avo +6, and Crit Avo +5 when using a lance.

When she becomes a Pegasus knight, she gains:

  • Lady Knight: Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with gambits.
  • Canto: This allows the unit to move again after completing specific actions if movement remains.
  • Lancefaire: Grants Atk +5 when using a lance.
  • Avo+10: Increase Avoid by 10
  • Lance Prowess Lv 5: Grants Hit +10, Avo +10, and Crit Avo +7 when using a lance.
  • Pass: Allows units to pass through spaces occupied by foes. (Only if she talks with Anna or Bernadetta)
  • Darting Blow: If the unit initiates combat, it grants AS +6 during combat. (Only if she talks with Anna or Jeritza)
  • Flying Effect Null: Nullifies any extra effectiveness against flying units. (Needs S+ proficiency with flying). 

The best build for Ingrid Flying Knight

The final build for Ingrid Flying Knight will look like this:

  • Health: 79
  • Strength: 51
  • Magic: 49
  • Dexterity: 56
  • Speed: 83
  • Luck: 62
  • Defense: 51
  • Resistance: 58
  • Charm: 64
  • Movement: 8
  • Special abilities: 
    • Lady Knight: Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with gambits.
    • Canto: This allows the unit to move again after completing certain actions if movement remains.
    • Lancefaire: Grants Atk +5 when using a lance.
    • Avo+10: Increase Avoid by 10
    • Lance Prowess Lv 3: Grants Hit +10, Avo +10, and Crit Avo +7 when using a lance.
    • Pass: Allows units to pass through spaces occupied by foes. (Only if she talks with Anna or Bernadetta)
    • Darting Blow: If the unit initiates combat, grant AS +6 during combat. (Only if she talks with Anna or Jeritza)
    • Flying Effect Null: Nullifies any extra effectiveness against flying units. (Needs S+ proficiency with flying). 
  • Combat arts: Burning Quake
  • Crest: Minor Crest of Daphnel
  • Weapon: A sword, A lance, E axe, D bow, E Gauntlets, E reason, E faith, B authority, S+ Flying unit
  • Equipped items: Lúin and concoction
  • Class: Pegasus Knight

As you can see, what we are looking for is a fast attack class, which is why it is ideal to become a pegasus knight because it is just a fast class and has enough balance to withstand blows at a distance. 

It is the ideal class to eliminate any enemy that is weakened quickly. If we add the flying effect null ability, it is basically invulnerable. 

What Happens if I don’t recruit Ingrid for My Team?

Ingrid Fire Emblem

Ingrid can be recruited directly during the Blue Lions route (Azure Moon). In the rest of the routes, three things can happen:

  • The first is that you can recruit it at any time of the other routes while you are still in the monastery (i.e., before the time skip). To recruit Ingrid, you will have to have high dexterity and a high enough flying proficiency. 
  • In the crimson flower route, if you don’t recruit her, you will have to fight her during the siege of Arianrho. She is quite a strong enemy. She will have an emotional climax during the fight against Felix and Sylvain (if you recruited them).
  • In the Verdant Wind route, Ingrid will appear as a reinforcement unit during the Fronder Field events. In this case, it won’t be so difficult to defeat since you can eliminate it quite quickly. 

How to defeat Ingrid as a boss

You will face Ingrid as an enemy unit on at least two occasions if you don’t select the Blue Lions house. 

On the first occasion, you will face her during chapter seven, already converted into a pegasus knight but still without having developed her full potential. Being a mock battler, she will not use her full potential and be held back. 

In this specific battle, the only option you have to eliminate her is to attack her directly. It’s a good idea, and it’s swift if you attack her with mages or archers

The second time you fight, it will be a reinforcement unit in the verdant wind route. In this case, you won’t really have much trouble eliminating Ingrid. She will only appear once you try to take the center of the map during the seventeenth chapter of this route. In this case, she will appear at the spawning point of your units, so she can be a little bit tricky. But the reality is that even if you have an archer, you will have an immediate countermeasure because her potential is still not fully developed. 

However, the last time you fight with her (during chapter sixteen of crimson flower), the reality is that her stats vary quite a bit. These are:

  • Level: 35
  • Health: 49
  • Strength:24 
  • Magic: 13
  • Dexterity: 19
  • Speed: 35
  • Luck: 16
  • Defense: 22
  • Resistance: 32
  • Charm: 30
  • Movement: 8
  • Special abilities: 
    • Lady Knight: Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with gambits.
    • Canto: This allows the unit to move again after completing certain actions if movement remains.
    • Lancefaire: Grants Atk +5 when using a lance.
    • Avo+10: Increase Avoid by 10
    • Lance Prowess Lv 5: Grants Hit +10, Avo +10, and Crit Avo +7 when using a lance.
    • Pass: Allows units to pass through spaces occupied by foes. 
    • Darting Blow: If the unit initiates combat, grant AS +6 during combat.
  • Combat arts: Burning Quake
  • Crest: Minor Crest of Daphnel
  • Weapon: C sword, A lance, E axe, E bow, E Gauntlets, E reason, E faith, B authority, B+ Flying unit
  • Equipped items: Lúin and Elixir
  • Class: Falcon Knight

As you can see, it has a build quite similar to the final build that you should get if you play your cards correctly. However, it has one fundamental flaw: It has no flying effect null. This means that Ingrid is too susceptible to all damage related to archers and arrows. If you don’t have archers, your second best option is to eliminate them by using axes to counter the use of its divine spear. 

Any direct attack alternative is the best due to Ingrid’s low defense, but don’t use any magic attack because she has a good enough resistance. 

Gift List, Share a Meal, and Lost Item

The gift list for Ingrid is:

  • Smoked Meat: Favorite (One Star)
  • Riding Boots: Favorite (Three stars)
  • Legends of Chivalry: Favorite (Three Stars)
  • Owl Feather: Favorite (Three Stars)
  • Gemstone Beads: Dislike (One star)
  • Stylish Hair Clip: Dislike (Two Stars)

The share a Meal Ingrid list is:

  • Beast Meat Teppanyaki: Favorite
  • Grilled Herring: Favorite 
  • Vegetable Pasta Salad: Favorite 
  • Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew: Favorite
  • Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté: Favorite
  • Sweet Bun Trio: Favorite
  • Fruit and Herring Tart: Favorite 
  • Fisherman’s Bounty: Favorite
  • Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce: Favorite
  • Fish Sandwich: Favorite
  • Pickled Rabbit Skewers: Favorite
  • Super-Spicy Fish Dango: Favorite
  • Daphnel Stew: Favorite
  • Gronder Meat Skewers: Favorite
  • Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant: Favorite
  • Small Fish Skewers: Dislike
  • Pickled Seafood and Vegetables: Dislike
  • Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant: Dislike

And her lost items are:

  • Pegasus Horseshoes
  • Jousting Almanac
  • Curry Comb

The Best Way to Level up Ingrid

Ingrid FE

Play with her and concentrate on her classes to become a good pegasus knight. Use the skirmishes and class hours to your convenience. Especially the classes related to flying. She is a character that is too close to the physical parts and does not have many direct weaknesses, which is a point in her favor. 

She doesn’t have many disadvantages, so she is one of the characters that best supports direct conflict. 


Question: What is the Best class for Ingrid?

Answer: As I explained in this article, the best thing to do is turn Ingrid into a pegasus knight or a falcon knight. On a particular occasion, I found someone turning her into a knight, but the main thing is to find a class that takes advantage of her speed.

Question: Which House does Ingrid Belong to?

Answer: To the Blue Lions house. However, as we explained, you can join any other house if you have enough dexterity and flying proficiency.

Question: Is Ingrid a Bad person?

Answer: It is a meme within the community that Ingrid is a bad person because she hates all the people who belong to the town of Duscur. But this is not true, Ingrid is a person who has gone through many unfortunate things related to said town, but it does not mean that she is bad. She is only traumatized.

Final thoughts on Ingrid

Ingrid is an ideal character, with one of the best battle strategies in terms of her characteristics. She has basically no weaknesses, which allows you to use her abilities in an excellent way and without any inconveniences. 

In addition, it compensates for the few weaknesses that may arise with its class abilities, which makes it more than a good option for any route.

Leaving aside the playable component, Ingrid is too incredible a character with a gripping story worth playing. An ideal and perfect choice if you want to experience a deep story. 

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