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Most games have different mascots. Pokémon has Pikachu, The Legend of Zelda has Link, and Fire Emblem is an exception because it has several mascots. Marth, Ike, Chrom, Lucina are a pretty good choice to be considered the “pet” of Fire Emblem. However, the reality is that officially speaking, Fire Emblem’s mascot is Tiki.
Tiki appears in Fire Emblem from the first game and belongs to a particular race. To be exact, Tiki belongs to the race known as manakete. The manakete is one of the oldest races in the fire emblem universe. Despite his youthful appearance, Tiki is hundreds of years old.
Tiki is one of the most essential characters in the games and can quickly become one of the best units. Therefore, today I will tell you how to turn Tiki into the best unit in every game he appears. So you can have 100% control over her.
Important information about Tiki in every game she appears
Tiki in Shadow Dragon and the blade of light
- Health: 24
- Strength: 3
- Weapon Level: 9
- Skill: 3
- Speed: 3
- Luck: varies
- Defense: 5
- Resistance: 6
- Movement: 5
- Weapon: Dragon stone
- Equipped items: Divinestone
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
Tiki in Mistery of the emblem
- Health: 16
- Strength: 3
- Weapon Level: 9
- Skill: 3
- Speed: 4
- Luck: 12
- Defense: 3
- Resistance: 10
- Movement: 5
- Weapon: Dragon stone
- Equipped items: Divinestone and ice breath.
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
Tiki in Shadow Dragon
- Health: 18
- Strength: 3
- Magic: 0
- Skill: 3
- Speed: 4
- Luck: 12
- Defense: 3
- Resistance: 10
- Movement: 6
- Weapon: Dragonstone
- Equipped items: Divine Stone
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
Tiki in New mystery of the emblem
- Health: 18
- Strength: 6
- Magic: 0
- Skill: 6
- Speed: 6
- Luck: 13
- Defense: 5
- Resistance: 10
- Movement: 6
- Weapon: Dragonstone
- Equipped items: Divine Stone
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
Tiki in Awakening
- Health: 39
- Strength: 18
- Magic: 10
- Skill: 14
- Speed: 16
- Luck: 18
- Defense: 15
- Resistance: 12
- Movement: 6
- Weapon: Stone
- Equipped items: Dragon Stone +
- Skills: Odd Rythm and wrymsbane
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
One of the first things you learn with Tiki is that it is a late unit in the game. In the first two games and in the remakes, she is recruited after chapter 14. In contrast, in Awakening, she is recruited after chapter 18. This is a problem on one hand because you will have to do a lot of grinding to level her up. However, it is also an advantage because you will have access to one of the best units for the late game after you have grinded.
Tikis background
The history of Tiki is complicated. And I really wouldn’t want to give you too much of a spoiler. However, it’s basically impossible to tell Tiki’s story without giving you spoilers about the game. This is because it is a late-game unit. However, don’t worry, I will try to describe it as best I can.
In the first two games, Tiki is a girl. But she is not just any girl; she is the princess of the divine dragon Naga. This makes her a mighty being. To prevent her from being corrupted, Naga leaves her asleep for thousands of years until the protagonist, Marth finds her and decides to take care of her. This is to prevent her from being used as a weapon by other factions. In exchange, she promises to fight alongside Marth.
In Awakening, two thousand years have passed. Tiki is now a slightly calmer and more serene teenager and is much wiser. In this game, she is the protector of one of Fire Emblem’s jewels. In addition to that, after certain events in the game, Tiki becomes part of the chrome team. I won’t go into too much detail because, in all the games, her role is highly fundamental. Just be warned that you will get attached to her because she is highly powerful and because her story is very emotional.
Personally, I don’t consider it necessary to marry Tiki in Awakening. Her only romantic support is the player’s avatar, and honestly, it’s not a good match. Besides that, her whole story can be carried out conventionally without the need to make her the romantic option.
Why Should I choose Tiki?
The first thing we have to explain about Tiki is that it is a manakete. Manaketes are a highly complex race to play in Fire Emblem. Generally, there are only four manaketes in each game in the whole adventure. They always join in the last chapters, and in general terms, they are not a good alternative for inexperienced players. They do not attack with weapons but with magic stones that allow them to become dragons.
Despite being dragons, all their attacks are physical. Still, they do not have an excellent physical defense but rather magical defenses. They are generally tricky to carry but don’t worry; they are not impossible to use. And besides, that’s the main reason you should consider using Tiki.
In the first two games and their remakes, Tiki is one of the few manakete that can be playable, and besides that, she is the only manakete that can use the divine stone. The divine stone is basically the game’s signature weapon and the best manakete stone. That makes it one of the best units. In addition to that, she has an excellent luck stat once grinded and a great defense.
Although its base attack may seem low, the reality is that it stands out from the rest of the units due to its unique weapon. In addition to that, its growth in the game is phenomenal, becoming one of the highest(above 90%). This makes Tiki a mixed character, with high defense and high attack.
In the case of Awakening, Tiki is the best manakete of the whole game, excelling in Skill, Speed, Luck, and Defense. It is one of the best units to defend against winged enemies (like Wyvern Ryders). Besides that, even though it doesn’t have a promotion, you can use a second seal to get different skills with it. A great option.
One of the most curious things about Tiki on Awakening is that it does not have so many supports. It only has:
- Anna
- Say’ri
- Lucina
- Nah
- Robin (Can marry Male Robin)
- Morgan (Only if Tiki is her mother)
(Source: Fire-Emblem-Wiki-Tiki)
As I said before, it is better not to marry her to anyone on a personal note. Not only because it ruins Morgan but also because she is too complex a character that is best served by playing alone.
How to play Tiki well?
The general strategy with Tiki in all games is simply to make it level up. She doesn’t really have a second class (except in the first two games), so you won’t have to use any stamps to promote her. You simply have to play with her. Ideally, you should let her attack enemies about to be weakened, allowing her to gain as much experience as possible in the first levels. Let her attack alone once she catches up with the rest of the units.
In the particular case of Awakening, I recommend letting Tiki and Robin attack together to increase Tiki’s magic and skill stats. However, remember not to let their affinity level go over an A because otherwise, they will marry.
I also recommend letting Tiki reach level 30. Once at level 30, use a second seal on her to wyvern raider skills, and then use a second seal again to transform her back into a manakete. Her stats will grow up to 180%, and she will have skills that complement her.
What abilities to take into account for Tiki?
Tiki will start with two abilities:
- Odd Rhythm: This grant the user 10 extra points in accuracy and avoidance on odd number turns. This gives the player the best chance to give critical shots and evade attacks.
- Wyrmsbane: A user equipped with this skill will deal effective damage against Wyvern Riders, Wyvern Lords, and Manaketes.
Then if she is promoted to wyvern raider, she will obtain at level 15:
- Swordbreaker: Hit Rate/Evasion +50 if the enemy is equipped with a Sword.
(Source: serene-forest)
The best way to play Tiki in fire emblem awakening
The final build for Tiki Manakete in fire emblem awakening will look a little bit like this:
- Health: 80
- Strength: 40
- Magic: 34
- Ability: 35
- Speed: 36
- Luck: 47
- Defense: 41
- Resistance: 42
- Movement: 6
- Special abilities:
- Wyrmsbane: A user equipped with this skill will deal effective damage against Wyvern Riders, Wyvern Lords, and Manaketes.
- Swordbreaker: Hit Rate/Evasion +50 if the enemy is equipped with a Sword.
- Weapon: Stone
- Items equipped: Dragon Stone+ and vulnerary.
The purpose of this build is to strengthen Tiki’s defense and evasion. That way, you can avoid having any inconvenience when making use of his close-range attacks. It is a good alternative for the character.
You can use Tiki as a character to directly attack the enemy lines. You can rest assured that she will resist absolutely everything you put in front of her.
In the case of the Tiki from the first two games, there really isn’t much you have to do with her. Just play it safe by moving up the levels. This is because the strategy there is really that for the manakete, due to its high defense.
Tiki is generally speaking a mixed character, ideal if you like to play straight and offensive.
How to level up Tiki
The ideal is to let it attack in pairs in Awakening. The best options are Robin and Chrome. Also, the manakete Nah, if you are looking to make a combo of manakete and nowi. Anna trickster is also a good alternative. Don’t mix her with all characters unless it’s a life or death case.
In the case of the first two games, just let her attack enemies about to die until she reaches level 10. After that, she can enter into direct confrontation without problems.
Question: Should I use a 2nd seal on Tiki?
Answer: This is a personal decision. I have played several games where I have not used a second seal. However, on a personal note, I do recommend using the second seal but only in the case of turning Tiki temporarily into a wyvern raider.
Question: Should I Marry Tiki?
Answer: No. Not only because you will ruin your version of Morgan, but also because the romantic line of Tiki is not really that appealing. Still, it’s a personal decision.
Question: Is Tiki in love with Marth?
Answer: No, Tiki sees him as an older brother. The nickname she gives him (Mar-Mar) is similar to a Japanese honorific for an older brother. She is simply very fond of him.
Question: How does Tiki know Lucina?
Answer: She does not know her. She actually mistook her for Marth because of their physical resemblance.
Final Thoughts on Tiki
Tiki is a phenomenal unit in every game in which he appears for all intents and purposes. It really is one of the best choices within the manaketes race and when it comes to physical walls. Likewise, her mastery of magic makes her an exciting choice.
You will get attached to her because she is a very charismatic character. As an excellent companion, her story will grow inside your heart. She is a great character and undoubtedly one of the best Fire Emblem heroines.
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